On Wednesday, Bread For Life Ministries and African Hearts Community Organisation came full circle!! We baked my moms infamous “Nana’s Pumpkin Bread” that launched this ministry back in 2011. The exact bread. Exact recipe. In Uganda. This day!
Some history: Back in 2014 when Lutaaya asked me, “Have you ever thought to bring your bread here to Uganda and teach the woman how to bake bread?” I looked at him as if he had a third head.
I said, “No. That is not possible. HOW could that EVER happen?” (Oh ye, of little faith!) 🙃
Fast forward, through a lot of prayer(!!!) and through the suggestion and blessing of my mission-minded husband,
(Chris) I adventured off to Uganda for 3 weeks alone to open a bakery!
2016, exactly 2 years later to the month, we launched our first bakery! 🎉Praise God!!
To start, we’ve been feeding 500+ children a “bun” of bread every school morning. But this day.... we made pumpkin bread!!!
And we used FRESH pumpkin! 😍
Something I have never done before... (thank you EmmaLee Joy Quisenberry for your advice and experience -
Uganda pumpkins are different/tougher... lol! )... and the Lord blessed it! 🙌🏼
Y’all.. here is some exciting news... It’s time for phase two! African Hearts is transitioning into a commercial bakery!
A bakery that also sells to the market places, grocery stores and maybe other schools (Lord willing)!
The plans are wide! The dreams are big! Please join us in prayer for this new adventure and opportunity for business expansion. 🙏🏼
If you ever feel something is impossible... if you ever think something can’t happen because YOU can’t see it....
can you please look at this bread? Because Uganda smelled like my kitchen back home.
Cinnamon, nutmeg... FRESH pumpkin...
Friends: If God is in it... IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
Be encourage. God is on the move!
Some history: Back in 2014 when Lutaaya asked me, “Have you ever thought to bring your bread here to Uganda and teach the woman how to bake bread?” I looked at him as if he had a third head.
I said, “No. That is not possible. HOW could that EVER happen?” (Oh ye, of little faith!) 🙃
Fast forward, through a lot of prayer(!!!) and through the suggestion and blessing of my mission-minded husband,
(Chris) I adventured off to Uganda for 3 weeks alone to open a bakery!
2016, exactly 2 years later to the month, we launched our first bakery! 🎉Praise God!!
To start, we’ve been feeding 500+ children a “bun” of bread every school morning. But this day.... we made pumpkin bread!!!
And we used FRESH pumpkin! 😍
Something I have never done before... (thank you EmmaLee Joy Quisenberry for your advice and experience -
Uganda pumpkins are different/tougher... lol! )... and the Lord blessed it! 🙌🏼
Y’all.. here is some exciting news... It’s time for phase two! African Hearts is transitioning into a commercial bakery!
A bakery that also sells to the market places, grocery stores and maybe other schools (Lord willing)!
The plans are wide! The dreams are big! Please join us in prayer for this new adventure and opportunity for business expansion. 🙏🏼
If you ever feel something is impossible... if you ever think something can’t happen because YOU can’t see it....
can you please look at this bread? Because Uganda smelled like my kitchen back home.
Cinnamon, nutmeg... FRESH pumpkin...
Friends: If God is in it... IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
Be encourage. God is on the move!
P.O. Box 190512, Five Mile Station, Boise, ID 83719
Copyright © 2011-2024 / Bread 4 Life Ministries
Non-Profit 501c3 / Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2011-2024 / Bread 4 Life Ministries
Non-Profit 501c3 / Email: [email protected]